I have been noticeably absent, or perhaps not from the blogosphere for the last couple of months. For no reason other than I don't have internet at my apartment. I have missed it dearly but the break from the world wide web has given me an opportunity to focus on my first love, cable television.
Speaking of, when I moved into my studio Tom Vaughn gifted me a hand-me-down television. Mind you his idea of a hand-me-down is quite different than most. A 57 inch HD resides in my humble abode. That's right I have a big screen tv and a futon in a studio, I think that officially makes me a bachelor. It looks completely ridiculous and I am sure is doing long term damage to my eyes. It is like sitting in the front row at the movies, but awesome I admit.
Life in Seattle has been a big adjustment particularly now, as the NW weather is sucking a big one. It took me 15 minutes to get my pretty little car out of its snowy spot this morning. I was cursing the car as the tires were spinning and burning. If the Elantra could talk back she'd have said "check the license plate bitch, I belong in California."
I have been so thrilled to be near my wonderful friends, but I still feel displaced. Seattle doesn't feel like home. But neither did Los Angeles, nor New York. They say that home is where the heart is, but sadly I can't live at the Olive Garden. I truly am at a loss for where I belong. I am obviously suffering from the sequel of my quarter life crisis.
In all seriousness I have been battling some nasty blues. I find this particularly excruciating because I consider myself a joyful person. Depression is just plain depressing and I am so over it. The festive season has inspired me to fix myself because I do have so much to be grateful for. My sensational friends who are so supportive and encouraging, my family, the frozen food in my fridge, the expensive roof over my head, and of course my killers legs. This year I am asking Santa for some happy.
I do hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am grateful for you, and you and you. And the other 4 people that read this.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Eat Pizza, Pray Thank You, Love Life
Tuesday I treated myself to a Thai foot & body massage. I had a hard time relaxing however because the girl next to me having a chair massage was moaning like the whole rub down was a happy ending. Awkward.
My one birthday wish came true & I got to spend the evening with my beautiful friends. We had dinner at Mamma Melina in Seattle. The setting was just perfect sans the priest that was seated next to our table of 11 twenty somethings. There were quite a few glances our way but he was working on a bottle of red himself so no judging!!
Once again this year I have a laundry list of resolutions. First on the list, stick to the resolutions.
Thanks to everyone for the birthday love, carrying it with me all year long!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Not a Girl, Not Yet a Cougar...
The 10th anniversary of my 16th birthday is coming up on Wednesday. I have been busy complaining about it until my sweet grandpa reminded me I am lucky to be another year older. The time we have, the life we live is a gift. He put my whiny ass in its proverbial place.
I am lucky for that & about 100 other reasons. I may not be where I thought I would be at 26, but maybe this life is better. And maybe baby this year will be the best yet...
I am lucky for that & about 100 other reasons. I may not be where I thought I would be at 26, but maybe this life is better. And maybe baby this year will be the best yet...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Ridin' Solo
Jason Derulo wrote Ridin' Solo for my 20 hour drive from Los Angeles to Seattle, I am convinced. I literally dare you to tell me otherwise. I think I played it about 100 times on the 980 mile trek. Unable to trick anyone into driving with me, I was forced to spend some serious quality time with myself. I left Redondo Beach at noon last Wednesday with tears steadily streaming down my face. I drove for 16.5 hours! Hell bent on making it straight through, I failed. At 4:30 Thursday morning I said uncle & stopped for a nap in Woodburn, OR. Afraid of being assaulted by a trucker while sleeping in my car, I sucked it up & paid for a motel. The Super 8 super sucked. I slept in my clothes & wouldn't even shower there. I caught a few winks & was back on the road at 10am, by 1:00pm the Seattle skyline was on the horizon.
4 pit stops, 1 Wendy's, 2 middle fingers, & 25 hours. What a journey. Good to be home, even if I had to ride solo.
4 pit stops, 1 Wendy's, 2 middle fingers, & 25 hours. What a journey. Good to be home, even if I had to ride solo.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Dance Continues
Sixty years of marriage is an accomplishment I can't wrap my mind around. Six years is impressive as far as I am concerned! My beautiful grandparents were wed on August 5th, 1950. A couple of kids, they met at the Bowery Dance Hall. Six decades later they are still dancing. Together they've endured the loss of loved ones, cancer, bypasses, falls, aches & pains of mind & body. But they have also rejoiced in building a family, North Dakota road trips, dumpling making marathons, camping, jam sessions, living as Arizona snow birds, & most recently Wii competitions! They are a rare example of what it looks like to say "I do" & mean it. I couldn't be more proud to be apart of the family they've created. Gramps & Grams, I love love love you. Congratulations on sixty years together, do I hear seventy??
yours always,
emily faith
yours always,
emily faith
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
God Bless America...and Mexico
I had a positively wonderful 4th of July a few weeks ago. I attended a roof top party with my room mate Noel. I drank & ate, but mostly drank. I enjoyed the summer sun, the incredible view, & the company of strangers.
At the end of the night I was ready to go, which apparently meant nothing to the cab company that was backed up for hours. After watching Charlie's Angels for about 5 minutes on Noel's boyfriend's couch I got the bright idea to walk home from Hermosa Beach to Redondo Beach. I went outside & a brighter idea came to me, hijack the Domino's delivery truck. Without a second thought I hopped in the front seat & waited. A stunned darling Mexican man got in a minute later. I begged for a ride home, pleading what I am sure was an obnoxious case. He told me he was happy to take me home but we had to make a couple of stops. Girardo & I became fast friends between deliveries & sooner than I knew it we were at 232 N Juanita. I will likely never see Girardo again, but I won't forget his kindness.
At the end of the night I was ready to go, which apparently meant nothing to the cab company that was backed up for hours. After watching Charlie's Angels for about 5 minutes on Noel's boyfriend's couch I got the bright idea to walk home from Hermosa Beach to Redondo Beach. I went outside & a brighter idea came to me, hijack the Domino's delivery truck. Without a second thought I hopped in the front seat & waited. A stunned darling Mexican man got in a minute later. I begged for a ride home, pleading what I am sure was an obnoxious case. He told me he was happy to take me home but we had to make a couple of stops. Girardo & I became fast friends between deliveries & sooner than I knew it we were at 232 N Juanita. I will likely never see Girardo again, but I won't forget his kindness.
For Her Eyes Only
It is my understanding that my audience primarily consists of my dedicated sorority sisters & there are likely two potential male readers. To those two, stop reading. This post is for her eyes only. Seriously. Stop.
Last week after exhaustive talk & questioning I decided to get my first Brazilian. This is extremely personal of course, but I feel that as a part of the healing process I need to share my story.
Upon arrival at the spa I was led to the pretty little room where I've been getting my brows done for months. Little did I know this quaint room was actually a torture chamber. My miniature Chinese torturess came in & instructed me to drop trou without so much as a hello. I tried to break the ice by cracking jokes, some of my top shelf material. She looked as though she hadn't smiled in at least 30 years, & made it clear she wasn't planning on starting today.
Without hesitation I can honestly say this was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Tears were swimming in my eyes & I was sweating like Tom Vaughn walking around the block. The torturess made my gynecologist seem like Santa Claus. I can assuredly say that she was getting a kick out of the supreme pain I was in. She is lucky she didn't get a kick in the head. My legs were uncontrollably flailing about. When I would whimper or yelp she would repeatedly say "almost done." She told me she was almost done about 37 times before I asked to her please stop saying it.
After she finished the basement she wanted to work on the back door. With tears in my eyes I said "no one goes back there, let's skip it."
The part I really can't get over is that I paid her to do that to me. I gave her cash money for that abuse. In my head she should be supplying me with some sort of compensation. A muffin basket perhaps?
Last week after exhaustive talk & questioning I decided to get my first Brazilian. This is extremely personal of course, but I feel that as a part of the healing process I need to share my story.
Upon arrival at the spa I was led to the pretty little room where I've been getting my brows done for months. Little did I know this quaint room was actually a torture chamber. My miniature Chinese torturess came in & instructed me to drop trou without so much as a hello. I tried to break the ice by cracking jokes, some of my top shelf material. She looked as though she hadn't smiled in at least 30 years, & made it clear she wasn't planning on starting today.
Without hesitation I can honestly say this was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Tears were swimming in my eyes & I was sweating like Tom Vaughn walking around the block. The torturess made my gynecologist seem like Santa Claus. I can assuredly say that she was getting a kick out of the supreme pain I was in. She is lucky she didn't get a kick in the head. My legs were uncontrollably flailing about. When I would whimper or yelp she would repeatedly say "almost done." She told me she was almost done about 37 times before I asked to her please stop saying it.
After she finished the basement she wanted to work on the back door. With tears in my eyes I said "no one goes back there, let's skip it."
The part I really can't get over is that I paid her to do that to me. I gave her cash money for that abuse. In my head she should be supplying me with some sort of compensation. A muffin basket perhaps?
Monday, July 5, 2010
My friend Rich was kind enough to vacate his Upper West Side apartment so Jenny & I could live the grand life at a price we could afford-free.
Jenny learned a lot of important NYC lessons, such as the danger of texting & jay walking, how to use the NYPD as a taxi service, pee in the street, etc. A very successful trip all in all.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
One Big Nugget
I visited Spokane a couple of weeks ago to spend some QT with the fam. Tom Vaughn recently celebrated his 70th birthday! He swears he feels 45, I assured him he doesn't look it. Londa also had a birthday as did Barry. It was a lot of celebrating. Isn't it time for my birthday yet?
I was blown away by how much Kingston had grown. He is simply the happiest, most fun loving, joyful baby. We had an Auntie/Nugget Nephew bonding day just the 2 of us & he seems to love me just as much as I love him. But that doesn't mean much, he doesn't really discriminate. He will go to anyone, literally anyone. We are going to have to have the "stranger/danger" talk when he is a little older.
We picked up my dad & went to lunch which was hilarious for a number of reasons. One being TV was very concerned with where we could take a baby. I calmly explained to him that babies are people & it turns out they are welcome everywhere. After lunch I thought it would be fun to get Kingston some new duds. I strong armed dad into entering his personal hell, the mall next door. Baby Gap had so many adorable items, but we had to move fast, Super Market Sweep style as Tom Vaughn's shopping clock was ticking.
We picked up my dad & went to lunch which was hilarious for a number of reasons. One being TV was very concerned with where we could take a baby. I calmly explained to him that babies are people & it turns out they are welcome everywhere. After lunch I thought it would be fun to get Kingston some new duds. I strong armed dad into entering his personal hell, the mall next door. Baby Gap had so many adorable items, but we had to move fast, Super Market Sweep style as Tom Vaughn's shopping clock was ticking.
I feel my position as favorite Aunt is secure, especially since I literally have no competition. It breaks my heart that I can't see him more but am so grateful for the time that we do share. And I am also so proud of my beautiful sister for doing the tremendous job that she is raising him.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cheers to Sex!
Finally, it is May 27th! Sex & the City 2 was released today! Jana & I had a very uptown sophisticated lunch of pizza & Cosmos. Then we spent the afternoon catching up with the girls. Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, & Samantha are doing well, very well it turns out. Jans & I felt so stealth for sneaking in treats from our favorite bakery, but the broads behind us were smart enough to smuggle booze. We were feeling a little dense but the brownie softened the blow.
When we got in the car Jana said "you are such a Samantha." You'd have thought she compared me to Gisele Bundchen. I was thrilled! Forget being pretty or smart, being Samantha takes the cake, or in my case-the brownie.
When we got in the car Jana said "you are such a Samantha." You'd have thought she compared me to Gisele Bundchen. I was thrilled! Forget being pretty or smart, being Samantha takes the cake, or in my case-the brownie.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Love Plane
This evening I read an article online written by AOL's "mystery flyer." This under cover reporter is writing a series, flying on the busiest airlines & spilling the dirty details of their experience from booking to landing. The first airline to be critiqued-United. The assessment was mostly positive, mostly. The onboard service received the lowest rating of 2.5 out of 5. Ouch. However silly it may be I cannot help but take this personally. It is tough to remember that I am 1 of 15,000 flight attendants & can only be concerned about my own job performance. I do sincerely wish that everyone was as happy to show up to work as I am. But I also wish that the passengers could put themselves in our ugly shoes from time to time.
During the second beverage service on a flight from DC this afternoon a woman seemed perplexed by the cart in the aisle & asked what we were serving. My flying partner replied "beverages" & looked away knowing this woman was special needs, enter...me. The passenger asked what we had, calmly & sweetly I went through the drink menu, the entire drink menu. After a long pause she explained that she was very thirsty, & asked "what is good for thirst?" I really wanted to give this dipshit 2.5 service, but I just couldn't help myself. I smiled, told her how great water was for thirst & threw in a wink for good measure.
After landing last night a family was upset because we wouldn't call for wheel chairs for their children who didn't want to walk. It was all I could do not to haul off & point out the Cancer patient who was graciously waiting for the chair that she NEEDED.
Flying isn't what it used to be, not even close. This is true for passengers & flight attendants alike. Getting hissed at for not having pillows, blankets, or pretzels sucks royally. If I had a dollar for every eye roll I would be a rich bitch. I'd love nothing more than my passengers to fly on a stack of pillows wrapped in down blankets, choking down an Auntie Anne's. Until that dream comes true, can't we all just be sweet?
During the second beverage service on a flight from DC this afternoon a woman seemed perplexed by the cart in the aisle & asked what we were serving. My flying partner replied "beverages" & looked away knowing this woman was special needs, enter...me. The passenger asked what we had, calmly & sweetly I went through the drink menu, the entire drink menu. After a long pause she explained that she was very thirsty, & asked "what is good for thirst?" I really wanted to give this dipshit 2.5 service, but I just couldn't help myself. I smiled, told her how great water was for thirst & threw in a wink for good measure.
After landing last night a family was upset because we wouldn't call for wheel chairs for their children who didn't want to walk. It was all I could do not to haul off & point out the Cancer patient who was graciously waiting for the chair that she NEEDED.
Flying isn't what it used to be, not even close. This is true for passengers & flight attendants alike. Getting hissed at for not having pillows, blankets, or pretzels sucks royally. If I had a dollar for every eye roll I would be a rich bitch. I'd love nothing more than my passengers to fly on a stack of pillows wrapped in down blankets, choking down an Auntie Anne's. Until that dream comes true, can't we all just be sweet?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Eenie Meenie Miney Match?
Online dating. This is a topic that makes me cringe. Literally my forehead wrinkles, my shoulders raise & my eyes squint. Which is unfortunate because it is a popular topic these days, & by topic I mean suggestion. I like to consider myself a practical person & there are some promising statistics that plead a strong case. Online dating has become a $4 billion industry worldwide. 1 of 5 relationships has blossomed from online dating & 1 of 8 marriages. I realize that people are having tremendous success pursuing this route, but I am just not sure I'm people. I mean, Londa Vaughn found her 2 BF's on Match, is hers really an example I should be following? I have heard compelling arguments but can't get out of my own head about it. My mind is stuck in the time when it was for awkward, unfortunate looking people who were meeting in chat rooms. I guess I am just a little more old fashioned. I still romanticize the idea of "boy meets girl." "Boy cyber stalks girl" just doesn't have the same ring to it. But perhaps I need to get with the creepy times.
My friends of course are very supportive & encouraging, even teasing me about my trepidation. Easy for them to do from the safety & comfort of their RELATIONSHIPS. I think they like the idea of living vicariously through me; not in a grass is greener kind of way, but rather in a this will be effing hilarious kind of way.
My heart has been broken, I have broken maybe half a heart, but mostly my dating history has been pure comedy. But how long can you laugh at these things? How long is it funny to find out you are on a date with a married man, or someone who could star in a Valtrex commercial? I figure only another couple of years before this comedy turns tragic.
I can think of a number of excuses not go online fishing but can also think of 2 perks. One benefit of course being that it would get me out of the house & away from Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathons. The second being that it would provide superfluous blog fodder. What to do, what to do? Guess I will sleep on it...again.
Night lambs. Much love.
ps--On a Lohan note, can judge Revel just put her in jail & throw away the key already? I am so sick of hearing about her! I am especially disappointed in you CNN. Shame shame.
My friends of course are very supportive & encouraging, even teasing me about my trepidation. Easy for them to do from the safety & comfort of their RELATIONSHIPS. I think they like the idea of living vicariously through me; not in a grass is greener kind of way, but rather in a this will be effing hilarious kind of way.
My heart has been broken, I have broken maybe half a heart, but mostly my dating history has been pure comedy. But how long can you laugh at these things? How long is it funny to find out you are on a date with a married man, or someone who could star in a Valtrex commercial? I figure only another couple of years before this comedy turns tragic.
I can think of a number of excuses not go online fishing but can also think of 2 perks. One benefit of course being that it would get me out of the house & away from Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathons. The second being that it would provide superfluous blog fodder. What to do, what to do? Guess I will sleep on it...again.
Night lambs. Much love.
ps--On a Lohan note, can judge Revel just put her in jail & throw away the key already? I am so sick of hearing about her! I am especially disappointed in you CNN. Shame shame.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Fairy Tale Beginning...
Congrats to the happiest of couples. Wishing you a long life together of health & wealth!
Monday, May 3, 2010
What Happens in Vegas Ends Up on Facebook
And we're the 17 best friends that anybody could have. We're the 17 best friends that anyone can have, we're the 17 best friends that anyone can have. And we'll never ever ever ever ever leave each other. FACT!!
More to come once I'm re hydrated, my heart rate comes down, I stop sweating, and I just return to general health.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mahalo Kauai, Aloha Vegas!

Monday, April 26, 2010
Where Art Thou Words?
Why is that when you are having an intense, important conversation with someone the words you'd like to use go on vacation? I had a talk this afternoon which was about as much fun as a trip to the gyno. I'd prepared a killer speech, but as soon as I saw him the words that I could find were shaky & unsure. Of course as soon as I left I had my Celine Dion moment and it all came back to me. FML.
Friday, April 23, 2010
We Ain't Hurtin Nobody, We Just Like to Party...
Last weekend was spent terrorizing Portland in celebration of sweet Jenny's birth. She has been on the planet for 26 years so naturally we pub crawled, Snuggie style. We definitely looked like cult members but we were warm & we were a hit. The best part was coming home & already being in makeshift pajamas. Vegas is next weekend, unfortunately our Snuggies don't meet the dress code.
Side Effects May Include...
My love affair with Ambien is no secret. The relationship has flourished as I have paid it some real TLC since I started my flying career. While we are very happy together there are some minor negative behavioral side effects that I feel should be listed on the label. Personally a few of these side effects include texting/calling inappropriate people, deleting facebook friends, & most notably not remembering the aforementioned actions. If only I could enjoy the sleep inducing hallucinogen without making poor technology related decisions. If only....
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Best, Best Friend Getaway
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Life is Short, Have an Affair
My schedule often compares to that of a vampire's. Night time is the right time as far as I am concerned. Night time is also when you see the best worst commercials. Like the wannabe Price is Right model in jean shorts & a halter top begging you to call & talk dirty to her. But tonight was a first. I saw a soft core porn scene advertising a website called AshleyMadison.com. Their tag line is "Life is short, have an affair." It is essentially a Match.com for disgusting, piggish, selfish married people who just want to bone down with someone other than their spouse. Ashley Madison's parents must be so proud.
Need the D
I have risen from my death bed, turns out I wasn't actually dying, I was just on deck. My recovery is slow but steady. In honor of me feeling half human Jana & I are Palm Desert bound tomorrow for some fun in the sun. I am in serious need of some Vitamin D after being trapped in the apartment for the last week. I look like Powder with hair. Not. Cute.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Desperately Seeking House Boy
It is times like these that a boyfriend would certainly come in handy. A boyfriend, or a bell that produced a helpful house boy when I rang it. I am sick. Quite sick actually-I may even be dying. I can think of quite a few things I have done to deserve this but it still sucks royally. I wasn't feeling well yesterday but woke up this morning cursing, knowing just what it was. The bitch is back....
Bronchitis. My chest feels like someone took a match to it, it is on fiiiiiiiahhh. I am achy head to toe, dizzy, blah blah blah. I couldn't be a bigger baby when I am sick but at least I own it. Working is obviously hazardous to my health, I flew a 4 day trip & I'm falling apart. I have been laid up on the couch all day, though I did go to the doctor so she could confirm my diagnosis & supply my drugs. I left the house long enough to learn something new today. You can purchase home paternity tests at your local CVS Pharmacy (Maury is going to be pissed). They are conveniently located between the Magnum condoms & pregnancy tests. The Magnum condoms led to this thought-they make slip covers for the well-endowed so why not for the itsy bitsy teeny weenies? Or do they? Can anyone shed some light on the subject? As you can tell my day was wildly productive & thought provoking.
After my exhausting outing I came home to reclaim my post on the sofa. Jana's sofa that is, poor girl. Not sure she will want to take it considering there is a Homer Simpson dent suspiciously the size of my supple ass smack in the middle of it. I knew things were serious when I cracked open a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos & could only eat 4. Sad. Day.
Since I am likely dying I hereby bequeath my hand-me-down crack house mattress to the dump, my amazing futon to the Underprivileged Flight Attendants Association, & my....well that is all I own actually. Settled. Jana & Noel can fight over my clothes & left over boxed pastas.
Ok, Housewives & Chelsea are over & my prescription cough syrup/Ambien cocktail is kicking in. Time to retire to my room, sans boyfriend & sans bell :(
Big love.
ps-Birthday shout outs to the lovely miracle child Jenny & that Kiwi trader Boundsy! So glad you bitches were born!
Bronchitis. My chest feels like someone took a match to it, it is on fiiiiiiiahhh. I am achy head to toe, dizzy, blah blah blah. I couldn't be a bigger baby when I am sick but at least I own it. Working is obviously hazardous to my health, I flew a 4 day trip & I'm falling apart. I have been laid up on the couch all day, though I did go to the doctor so she could confirm my diagnosis & supply my drugs. I left the house long enough to learn something new today. You can purchase home paternity tests at your local CVS Pharmacy (Maury is going to be pissed). They are conveniently located between the Magnum condoms & pregnancy tests. The Magnum condoms led to this thought-they make slip covers for the well-endowed so why not for the itsy bitsy teeny weenies? Or do they? Can anyone shed some light on the subject? As you can tell my day was wildly productive & thought provoking.
After my exhausting outing I came home to reclaim my post on the sofa. Jana's sofa that is, poor girl. Not sure she will want to take it considering there is a Homer Simpson dent suspiciously the size of my supple ass smack in the middle of it. I knew things were serious when I cracked open a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos & could only eat 4. Sad. Day.
Since I am likely dying I hereby bequeath my hand-me-down crack house mattress to the dump, my amazing futon to the Underprivileged Flight Attendants Association, & my....well that is all I own actually. Settled. Jana & Noel can fight over my clothes & left over boxed pastas.
Ok, Housewives & Chelsea are over & my prescription cough syrup/Ambien cocktail is kicking in. Time to retire to my room, sans boyfriend & sans bell :(
Big love.
ps-Birthday shout outs to the lovely miracle child Jenny & that Kiwi trader Boundsy! So glad you bitches were born!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Marco 2.0
Marco is expecting a son in August. I know this because a few weeks ago he called & called again until I answered. Why he thought this was vital information for me to have I am still confused. I can tell our friendship is something he misses greatly. I miss it too to be honest. For some odd reason this was a tough something to hear. I wasn't surprised, first comes marriage then comes babies. It is just strange for the life I once planned with him to be lived by someone else. I truly am thrilled for him & know that he will be a loving devoted father.
I just hope that idiocy isn't genetic ;)
I just hope that idiocy isn't genetic ;)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Litter Kwitter
After working a 4 day trip I dead headed home from Vegas yesterday. With 51 minutes to kill I flipped through the pages of the latest Sky Mall catalog. A few of the highlights included the Stainless Steel wallet, the Nano-UV Disinfection Scanner, & the Canine Genealogy Kit. But by far & away my favorite item was the Litter Kwitter.
The Litter Kwitter is the original, award winning 3-step cat toilet training system. The photo of a feline squatting on the seat had me choking on my mixed nuts. I was left so curious as to what the 3 steps were. And beyond that why the hell anyone would want to share a toilet with their pet? I don't want to share my bathroom with a boy, why on earth would I have any interest in competing for lav time with a kitty? If you are in need of a good laugh I highly recommend visiting the website which provides not only further details of the system but inspirational videos.
The Litter Kwitter is the original, award winning 3-step cat toilet training system. The photo of a feline squatting on the seat had me choking on my mixed nuts. I was left so curious as to what the 3 steps were. And beyond that why the hell anyone would want to share a toilet with their pet? I don't want to share my bathroom with a boy, why on earth would I have any interest in competing for lav time with a kitty? If you are in need of a good laugh I highly recommend visiting the website which provides not only further details of the system but inspirational videos.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Fly Girls
There is a new show on the CW called Fly Girls. It is a "reality show" profiling Virgin America flight attendants. I was able to stomach it for a good 2 1/2 minutes before I had to abort the mission & retreat. When the crashpad resembled the Real World house I knew "reality" was being severely distorted. You may remember I slept on a bunk bed & shared my room with a mouse in NYC.
The network is playing the wrong angle, here they are painting a picture of glamour & excitement, how amusing is that? Let's expose the real shit! The helpless passengers, the Bitter Betty Senior Mamas, the inappropriate pilots, the Kansas City layovers. That is where the real entertainment lies people!
Don't get me wrong I loooooove my job, but waking up in Detroit at 5:00am this morning didn't feel so enchanting.
This story however makes the early mornings & long days worth it. I was working the Purser position & less than thrilled to be doing so. I had a lovely but very high maintenance family in the first class cabin. I was taking good care of them. One of the boys had a terrible sinus headache & I was playing nurse, I was chatting up the little girl, & gave the other boy my extra chocolate chip cookies. And of course I kept mom & dad all liquored up. I took care of them the way I would any other passenger. At the end of the flight the dad slipped something into my hand telling me what a great job I did & how much I deserved it. I assumed it was a "Going the Extra Mile" certificate, this little gold star type note that customers often fill in when they have exceptional service. I thanked him, slipped it in my pocket & said my goodbyes to the family. It wasn't until later that I dug my hand in my pocket only to discover a $100 bill. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? The money was such a blessing of course, but the fact that my TLC was recognized & appreciated meant the world to me.
The network is playing the wrong angle, here they are painting a picture of glamour & excitement, how amusing is that? Let's expose the real shit! The helpless passengers, the Bitter Betty Senior Mamas, the inappropriate pilots, the Kansas City layovers. That is where the real entertainment lies people!
Don't get me wrong I loooooove my job, but waking up in Detroit at 5:00am this morning didn't feel so enchanting.
This story however makes the early mornings & long days worth it. I was working the Purser position & less than thrilled to be doing so. I had a lovely but very high maintenance family in the first class cabin. I was taking good care of them. One of the boys had a terrible sinus headache & I was playing nurse, I was chatting up the little girl, & gave the other boy my extra chocolate chip cookies. And of course I kept mom & dad all liquored up. I took care of them the way I would any other passenger. At the end of the flight the dad slipped something into my hand telling me what a great job I did & how much I deserved it. I assumed it was a "Going the Extra Mile" certificate, this little gold star type note that customers often fill in when they have exceptional service. I thanked him, slipped it in my pocket & said my goodbyes to the family. It wasn't until later that I dug my hand in my pocket only to discover a $100 bill. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? The money was such a blessing of course, but the fact that my TLC was recognized & appreciated meant the world to me.
12 Strikes You're Out
I met a devastatingly handsome man on a flight today. His name is Marco, strike one. He is 40 years old, strike two. He is a pilot, strike three. He has two children, strikes 4 & 5 (he gets additional strikes because he is smokin hot!!). Why I am attracted to these types of men? My head is more interested in men who are new or gently used. But my heart insists on these recycled & tortured characters. I wonder what Dr. Drew would have to say about this.....
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Blue Jean Babies

A snapshot from 2010's Open to Close at the Magnolia Village Pub in Seattle. The Delta Delta Delta 2002 pledge class proved we still got it baby. It only took me one week to recover. I am hoping that Nicole won't plan another 14 hr day of drinking for at least a few years. I had the time of my life boozing, laughing, dancing, & yes karaoking with my favorite females. Here's to US!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Pump Up the Jam
I joined the gym a week ago & missed only one day when I was working. Pause for applause. Thank you. I even started to not completely dread going, major progress considering in the past I'd have chosen flossing with my toe nails over breaking a sweat. The gym has quickly climbed the charts as my favorite people watching destination. There is one quirky character who only works out in a cut off tube top with no bra. Her nipples could high five her knees but she doesn't let that deter her from rocking the look. The typical South Bay douche bag exercise outfit consists of board shorts & a TapouT tshirt. Not sexy.
Thank goodness I make such awesome mixed tapes. There are rows of tv's but CNN & ESPN don't really motivate me. Who do I have to sleep with to get Bravo on the big screen? I have made some mean compilations, you'd be amazed how a variety of Pink, T.I., Beyonce, Color Me Badd, & a few Jock Jams hits can get the blood pumping. I will be back to my driver license weight in no time! I am feeling better, looking better, & sleeping like Tom Vaughn in a recliner. All good things.
Thank goodness I make such awesome mixed tapes. There are rows of tv's but CNN & ESPN don't really motivate me. Who do I have to sleep with to get Bravo on the big screen? I have made some mean compilations, you'd be amazed how a variety of Pink, T.I., Beyonce, Color Me Badd, & a few Jock Jams hits can get the blood pumping. I will be back to my driver license weight in no time! I am feeling better, looking better, & sleeping like Tom Vaughn in a recliner. All good things.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Saturday Night Fever
Break out your parka's kids, hell has frozen over, I joined a gym. I have been avoiding doing so for some time for a number of reasons. The first being of course that I hate working out. I have also been using money as an excuse, arguing that I can't afford it. But the truth tapped me on the shoulder & pointed out that as long as I can afford In-N-Out, I can afford the gym. The sign is a bit misleading- it reads "24 Fitness" while it should read "Meat Market." So far the gym has not been good for my self esteem. I feel like a Cabbage Patch Kid working up a sweat along side a slew of Malibu Barbie dolls.
Every time I have gone, the place has been packed. Every day but today, Saturday. Actually I went tonight. This was more the Freaks & Geeks crowd, the GTL crew works out earlier I suppose. Anyway I fit right in & even felt like the hottest broad in the joint.
Stay tuned for my progress. Vacationing for an entire month really did a number on my waist line. Let's be clear, this new found commitment to working out has nothing to do with my health & everything to do with my vanity.
Every time I have gone, the place has been packed. Every day but today, Saturday. Actually I went tonight. This was more the Freaks & Geeks crowd, the GTL crew works out earlier I suppose. Anyway I fit right in & even felt like the hottest broad in the joint.
Stay tuned for my progress. Vacationing for an entire month really did a number on my waist line. Let's be clear, this new found commitment to working out has nothing to do with my health & everything to do with my vanity.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's Alive!
Life has been a bit of a storm as of late, & I have been at the center of it! Let me clarify this though-the storm has been AMAZING. In January I spent 11 days cruising through Mexico, a trip that is going down in the hall of fame for sure. With two of my favorite people, Tom Vaughn, & 1800 oldies the fun was out of control. Jenny, Cassie, & I were the youngest sailors by about 60 years. The boat was essentially a floating retirement home & we were thrilled to join the community. You better believe that we were welcomed with wide open arms! We beached, tanned, danced, drank, ate, ate, & ate. How could I leave out the laughing?
I had a little time to recover at home, then was forced to work for 3 whole days before jetting to Maui for 4 nights. That voyage was very special for different reasons. I am choosing to leave those stories near & dear to my heart. I can share that I had an incredible time, & can definitely see myself as an island girl someday.
I came home Thursday & was off to Sydney for work on Friday. My vacation bubble was harshly burst during that 14 & 1/2 hour flight on the way down under. I much prefer drinking the cocktails in first class to serving them.
Seattle bound on Friday for some much needed QT with my darling Deltas. I have been trying to keep track but I have lost count of my blessings. I feel so happy & at peace these days. I think it is all the vitamin D from that beautiful sunshine I have been hanging out with! More soon loves.
I had a little time to recover at home, then was forced to work for 3 whole days before jetting to Maui for 4 nights. That voyage was very special for different reasons. I am choosing to leave those stories near & dear to my heart. I can share that I had an incredible time, & can definitely see myself as an island girl someday.
I came home Thursday & was off to Sydney for work on Friday. My vacation bubble was harshly burst during that 14 & 1/2 hour flight on the way down under. I much prefer drinking the cocktails in first class to serving them.
Seattle bound on Friday for some much needed QT with my darling Deltas. I have been trying to keep track but I have lost count of my blessings. I feel so happy & at peace these days. I think it is all the vitamin D from that beautiful sunshine I have been hanging out with! More soon loves.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Picture's Worth
I have yet to write about my phenomenal, rejuvanating, blissful vacation because even I am having a hard time transferring my thoughts & memories into sentences. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, well here are 91,000 to stall until I can produce my own.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Beyond the Sea
I will be away from the office January 16th-27th. And by office I mean couch. I am on vacation baby! Setting sail on an 11 Mexican day cruise with my dearest Jenny, Cassie, & Tom Vaughn. You read that correctly-Tom Vaughn. Or Charlie he would rather be called, that would make the 3 of us his angels of course. Stay tuned, hilarity to ensue.
I promise to have a festive vacation drink for each & every one of you. Sounds like a lofty goal, but it is 11 days!! I also promise to savor the food, the sun, & the moment.
ps-HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Jana lamb. The world became a better place when you were born, & I became a better person when we met. Hope I'm just like you when I am 26...someday ;)
I promise to have a festive vacation drink for each & every one of you. Sounds like a lofty goal, but it is 11 days!! I also promise to savor the food, the sun, & the moment.
ps-HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Jana lamb. The world became a better place when you were born, & I became a better person when we met. Hope I'm just like you when I am 26...someday ;)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Better Late than Never
The day is upon us-effing finally! Marco is getting married on Saturday. And to everyone's delight it is not to me! I remember hearing of the engagement over a year ago & being surprised at my lack of emotion regarding the news. The emotion sunk in last week. Few tears were shed but I am confident in saying those were the last.
I fell for Marco & ended up staying down for over 6 years. People have their opinions about the man, I certainly have mine. But I can say that Marco has a loving solid heart, it is his mush for brains that prove to be his down fall. He kept me in his back pocket, refusing to completely let me go for which I blame him. But I was too weak to walk away, for which I blame myself.
I told him that we couldn't continue our friendship after the wedding, better late than never right? He of course doesn't believe me, why would he? Never have I stood by goodbye. But I am feeling fiercely strong, better late than never right? From day one he & I were the best of friends, & it is the friend in him I will miss the most.
For 6 years there has been a question mark after Marco's name. Finally the question is answered. Our story is over. The end.
I fell for Marco & ended up staying down for over 6 years. People have their opinions about the man, I certainly have mine. But I can say that Marco has a loving solid heart, it is his mush for brains that prove to be his down fall. He kept me in his back pocket, refusing to completely let me go for which I blame him. But I was too weak to walk away, for which I blame myself.
I told him that we couldn't continue our friendship after the wedding, better late than never right? He of course doesn't believe me, why would he? Never have I stood by goodbye. But I am feeling fiercely strong, better late than never right? From day one he & I were the best of friends, & it is the friend in him I will miss the most.
For 6 years there has been a question mark after Marco's name. Finally the question is answered. Our story is over. The end.
Friday, January 8, 2010
All for Fun & Fun for All
Few of you have had the great fortune of meeting my dear Grandpa Chuck & Grandma Doloras. On the surface they may appear to be typical grandparents but that is the farthest thing from the truth. The truth being of course that they kick ass. They are genuinely special for a number of reasons, the most important being that they belong to me.
At my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve my sweet Grams was introduced to the Wii. From then she had her heart set on getting one of her own but Gramps put his foot down. Guess what he got for his 82nd birthday? A clever little minx that Doloras is. The fact that she went out & got it herself is beyond impressive for a variety of reasons- one being that the woman refuses to drive anywhere that would require her to make a left hand turn. She, like Derek Zoolander is not an ambi-turner.
I laughed out loud when I got Grandpa's email informing me that Grams bought a Wii. At 82 & 77 they still embrace new challenges & adventures. I hope to be half as cool at their age. To be honest I hope to be half as cool at this age.
At my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve my sweet Grams was introduced to the Wii. From then she had her heart set on getting one of her own but Gramps put his foot down. Guess what he got for his 82nd birthday? A clever little minx that Doloras is. The fact that she went out & got it herself is beyond impressive for a variety of reasons- one being that the woman refuses to drive anywhere that would require her to make a left hand turn. She, like Derek Zoolander is not an ambi-turner.
I laughed out loud when I got Grandpa's email informing me that Grams bought a Wii. At 82 & 77 they still embrace new challenges & adventures. I hope to be half as cool at their age. To be honest I hope to be half as cool at this age.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Cheers Nugget!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Welcome to the Future
2010 is here, how did that happen? Shouldn't we be mingling with robots & operating flying cars by now?
The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. At the ripe old age of 25 my mind is blown that yet another year has come & gone. In a big way it scares me. I essentially lost 2009 to a broken heart-what a loser! New year, clean slate, fresh start. Kind of sounds like a load of crap but we all have to eat shit at some point! 2010 IS going to be different though, if only because I am wiser. I have always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but I have safely secured it in storage for the time being. My focus has shifted. Which brings me to my extensive list of resolutions. It may come as a shock to some of you, but I am not perfect :0 Not that I'd ever fail or not follow through but it is probably best to keep this list of purpose under cover. My best self has yet to surface, I look forward to meeting her.
Here is to a very happy & healthy new year. May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close His fist too tight!
One love.
the new-soon to be improved,
The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. At the ripe old age of 25 my mind is blown that yet another year has come & gone. In a big way it scares me. I essentially lost 2009 to a broken heart-what a loser! New year, clean slate, fresh start. Kind of sounds like a load of crap but we all have to eat shit at some point! 2010 IS going to be different though, if only because I am wiser. I have always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but I have safely secured it in storage for the time being. My focus has shifted. Which brings me to my extensive list of resolutions. It may come as a shock to some of you, but I am not perfect :0 Not that I'd ever fail or not follow through but it is probably best to keep this list of purpose under cover. My best self has yet to surface, I look forward to meeting her.
Here is to a very happy & healthy new year. May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close His fist too tight!
One love.
the new-soon to be improved,
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