Friday, January 8, 2010

All for Fun & Fun for All

Few of you have had the great fortune of meeting my dear Grandpa Chuck & Grandma Doloras. On the surface they may appear to be typical grandparents but that is the farthest thing from the truth. The truth being of course that they kick ass. They are genuinely special for a number of reasons, the most important being that they belong to me.

At my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve my sweet Grams was introduced to the Wii. From then she had her heart set on getting one of her own but Gramps put his foot down. Guess what he got for his 82nd birthday? A clever little minx that Doloras is. The fact that she went out & got it herself is beyond impressive for a variety of reasons- one being that the woman refuses to drive anywhere that would require her to make a left hand turn. She, like Derek Zoolander is not an ambi-turner.

I laughed out loud when I got Grandpa's email informing me that Grams bought a Wii. At 82 & 77 they still embrace new challenges & adventures. I hope to be half as cool at their age. To be honest I hope to be half as cool at this age.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God I love it!! You should warn her about the dangers of the Wii......I think I somehow managed to get tennis elbow from swinging the racket too hard. I suppose you don't ACTUALLY have to swing it as if you are hitting a ball.....just a little tip.....haha :)

