Saturday, January 16, 2010

Beyond the Sea

I will be away from the office January 16th-27th. And by office I mean couch. I am on vacation baby! Setting sail on an 11 Mexican day cruise with my dearest Jenny, Cassie, & Tom Vaughn. You read that correctly-Tom Vaughn. Or Charlie he would rather be called, that would make the 3 of us his angels of course. Stay tuned, hilarity to ensue.

I promise to have a festive vacation drink for each & every one of you. Sounds like a lofty goal, but it is 11 days!! I also promise to savor the food, the sun, & the moment.


ps-HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Jana lamb. The world became a better place when you were born, & I became a better person when we met. Hope I'm just like you when I am 26...someday ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Better Late than Never

The day is upon us-effing finally! Marco is getting married on Saturday. And to everyone's delight it is not to me! I remember hearing of the engagement over a year ago & being surprised at my lack of emotion regarding the news. The emotion sunk in last week. Few tears were shed but I am confident in saying those were the last.

I fell for Marco & ended up staying down for over 6 years. People have their opinions about the man, I certainly have mine. But I can say that Marco has a loving solid heart, it is his mush for brains that prove to be his down fall. He kept me in his back pocket, refusing to completely let me go for which I blame him. But I was too weak to walk away, for which I blame myself.

I told him that we couldn't continue our friendship after the wedding, better late than never right? He of course doesn't believe me, why would he? Never have I stood by goodbye. But I am feeling fiercely strong, better late than never right? From day one he & I were the best of friends, & it is the friend in him I will miss the most.

For 6 years there has been a question mark after Marco's name. Finally the question is answered. Our story is over. The end.


Friday, January 8, 2010

All for Fun & Fun for All

Few of you have had the great fortune of meeting my dear Grandpa Chuck & Grandma Doloras. On the surface they may appear to be typical grandparents but that is the farthest thing from the truth. The truth being of course that they kick ass. They are genuinely special for a number of reasons, the most important being that they belong to me.

At my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve my sweet Grams was introduced to the Wii. From then she had her heart set on getting one of her own but Gramps put his foot down. Guess what he got for his 82nd birthday? A clever little minx that Doloras is. The fact that she went out & got it herself is beyond impressive for a variety of reasons- one being that the woman refuses to drive anywhere that would require her to make a left hand turn. She, like Derek Zoolander is not an ambi-turner.

I laughed out loud when I got Grandpa's email informing me that Grams bought a Wii. At 82 & 77 they still embrace new challenges & adventures. I hope to be half as cool at their age. To be honest I hope to be half as cool at this age.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cheers Nugget!

Kingston Vaughn Sacville-West is 5 months old today! If you ask Tom Vaughn he is the sweetest, smartest, funniest, most talented creation of all time. I have a tendency to agree. Much love little Nugget xoxoxo

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to the Future

2010 is here, how did that happen? Shouldn't we be mingling with robots & operating flying cars by now?

The older I get, the faster time seems to pass. At the ripe old age of 25 my mind is blown that yet another year has come & gone. In a big way it scares me. I essentially lost 2009 to a broken heart-what a loser! New year, clean slate, fresh start. Kind of sounds like a load of crap but we all have to eat shit at some point! 2010 IS going to be different though, if only because I am wiser. I have always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but I have safely secured it in storage for the time being. My focus has shifted. Which brings me to my extensive list of resolutions. It may come as a shock to some of you, but I am not perfect :0 Not that I'd ever fail or not follow through but it is probably best to keep this list of purpose under cover. My best self has yet to surface, I look forward to meeting her.

Here is to a very happy & healthy new year. May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close His fist too tight!

One love.

the new-soon to be improved,