Sunday, June 20, 2010

One Big Nugget

I visited Spokane a couple of weeks ago to spend some QT with the fam. Tom Vaughn recently celebrated his 70th birthday! He swears he feels 45, I assured him he doesn't look it. Londa also had a birthday as did Barry. It was a lot of celebrating. Isn't it time for my birthday yet?
I was blown away by how much Kingston had grown. He is simply the happiest, most fun loving, joyful baby. We had an Auntie/Nugget Nephew bonding day just the 2 of us & he seems to love me just as much as I love him. But that doesn't mean much, he doesn't really discriminate. He will go to anyone, literally anyone. We are going to have to have the "stranger/danger" talk when he is a little older.

We picked up my dad & went to lunch which was hilarious for a number of reasons. One being TV was very concerned with where we could take a baby. I calmly explained to him that babies are people & it turns out they are welcome everywhere. After lunch I thought it would be fun to get Kingston some new duds. I strong armed dad into entering his personal hell, the mall next door. Baby Gap had so many adorable items, but we had to move fast, Super Market Sweep style as Tom Vaughn's shopping clock was ticking.

I feel my position as favorite Aunt is secure, especially since I literally have no competition. It breaks my heart that I can't see him more but am so grateful for the time that we do share. And I am also so proud of my beautiful sister for doing the tremendous job that she is raising him.

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