Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

After reading my last post, I am making the executive decision to cut myself off from Ambien cocktails and blogging. Not the prescription drug use and red wine consumption of course, only the dangerous writing element. I came off sounding like Debbie Downer's sister, Suicidal Susie.

Been busy living life as of late, instead of writing about it. Work has picked up this summer, which is great in theory but in reality is royally annoying. I have been waiting for the mythical Seattle summer for months, it is sort of here and I am missing out! I have been on an exhilarating domestic tour including exotic Tampa, Denver, Chicago, etc. That is about to change however because I have accepted a transfer to Washington D.C. While I am sure I will still get my share of Wichita lay overs, I will also be traveling to places including but not limited to Ghana, Moscow, Frankfurt, Dubai, Beijing, Rome, and I cannot wait. The time has come for me to see the world.

I will leave Seattle next month with mixed emotions, just as I left New York, and Los Angeles. Saying goodbye to my wonderful friends will be the most brutal part. They are sending me off with love and support, and with them I am leaving behind a piece of my little black heart. Thank sweet baby Jesus I fly for free. Surely I will miss them too much not to visit often. Otherwise Seattle can suck it!

To new beginnings, again.......

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to miss you!!! But I'm so excited to hear about your adventures. You know you always have a home with your friends in Seattle when you need it. xoxo
