Friday, September 18, 2009

Uncool Rider

You know the saying "it's like riding a bike?" Of course you do. This phrase implies that riding a bike is something that comes second nature, it implies that it is easy. For most people it likely is. But we all know I am not most most people! The transportation fairy gifted me a beach cruiser for my birthday, something I have wanted since I moved to the South Bay. I expected to jump on the bike & cruise with ease like the cool rider I'd hoped to be. My expectations did not align with reality in this instance.

I imagine that watching me re-learn to ride a bike is like watching Bambi learn to walk. The problem is not actually pedaling or riding itself, my trouble is the obstacles ranging from people to cars to dogs, garbage cans, etc. And don't even get me started on hills! I have provided Jana some serious belly laughs as she has bared witness to me forgetting how to brake & stop Flinestone style with my feet, & heard me whisper "obstacle" when I spy a potential impediment in my path. She swears I am not that bad but she is required to say that, it is in the best friend contract. Next to the bike I look awesome, on the bike I look petrified. The drama only lasts until I get to the strand. The strand being the path along the beach, also known in my head as Pleasantville. I am finally the bike riding Cali beach babe I wanted to be, I just need a little more practice ;)

We had a roomies night out last night which evolved into Emily's day in today. I love having room mates again, but they are dangerous as it turns out. When I started nodding off while taking care of business in the ladies room I decided it was time to rally the troops & hail the cab. The most productive thing I have done today is write this post, yikes! I left the apartment twice-once to go to McDonald's & once more to go to McDonald's. There is always tomorrow to be a fruitful citizen.....

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