Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fly Girls

There is a new show on the CW called Fly Girls. It is a "reality show" profiling Virgin America flight attendants. I was able to stomach it for a good 2 1/2 minutes before I had to abort the mission & retreat. When the crashpad resembled the Real World house I knew "reality" was being severely distorted. You may remember I slept on a bunk bed & shared my room with a mouse in NYC.

The network is playing the wrong angle, here they are painting a picture of glamour & excitement, how amusing is that? Let's expose the real shit! The helpless passengers, the Bitter Betty Senior Mamas, the inappropriate pilots, the Kansas City layovers. That is where the real entertainment lies people!

Don't get me wrong I loooooove my job, but waking up in Detroit at 5:00am this morning didn't feel so enchanting.

This story however makes the early mornings & long days worth it. I was working the Purser position & less than thrilled to be doing so. I had a lovely but very high maintenance family in the first class cabin. I was taking good care of them. One of the boys had a terrible sinus headache & I was playing nurse, I was chatting up the little girl, & gave the other boy my extra chocolate chip cookies. And of course I kept mom & dad all liquored up. I took care of them the way I would any other passenger. At the end of the flight the dad slipped something into my hand telling me what a great job I did & how much I deserved it. I assumed it was a "Going the Extra Mile" certificate, this little gold star type note that customers often fill in when they have exceptional service. I thanked him, slipped it in my pocket & said my goodbyes to the family. It wasn't until later that I dug my hand in my pocket only to discover a $100 bill. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? The money was such a blessing of course, but the fact that my TLC was recognized & appreciated meant the world to me.


  1. I am so happy you updated! I check daily, you know ;)

    Love you!

  2. thanks Pammy! you are my biggest fan i think. Lol. miss you, can't wait to see you soon!
